It is unavoidable… your business relies on IT. You have managed very well for a while but when is the right time to consider getting expert support? Here are key signs that might mean you are at the right point to chat with a professional IT company.
Firefighting IT problems are getting in the way of running your business effectively
Your time is important and expensive, especially when you are trying to grow your business. Setting up networks and dealing with basic computer issues is quite different to running a business so allow experts to take this stress and annoyance away from you. You will save time, money, and stress.
Your IT person is often not contactable
‘We have always used the same person since we started and just call as and when we need them.’
This is usually enough to get you started in business but as you grow your IT requirements become more complex and need greater expertise. What happens when your IT help is on holiday and your twenty members of staff cannot work? How much money would you lose per hour or per day if your systems go down?
A random call-out charge to an IT company can be costly (have a look at our blog on ad-hoc support versus managed contract) so getting support in place before you might need them will save you time, money, and stress.
You are anxious about security, or you have had a security breach
Security is now paramount in every business no matter your size. In fact, small businesses are much more likely to be affected than big due to staff training and network security being either non-existent or a low priority. Engaging with an IT company that professionally develops their knowledge means that they will:
- Review all your systems to ensure the right measures are in place
- Monitor your systems 24/7
- Keep all your systems up to date with Microsoft updates, software patches, and the latest IT solutions
- Educate you and your team regularly and identify employees that need extra support
- Work with you to develop and set up a comprehensive backup and/or disaster recovery plan.
All of this saves you time, money, and stress
You have lost data and you have no backup or disaster recovery in place
Loss of data can have devasting long-term implications for your business and your reputation. One misconception is that businesses think they are ok if they have a backup. Backups could take days or even weeks to get you back to where you were before. Would your business survive? Therefore, it is imperative to have a backup and disaster recovery plan in place. This will save you time, money, and stress.
You are running old unsupported systems with zero monitoring
Trying to save a bob or two using old unsupported systems or cheap hardware will only risk security breaches and annoy your staff with slow temperamental equipment. Having a proactive knowledgeable IT company to trust means they will help you budget for the future when it comes to your systems ensuring you have excellent hardware, brilliant systems and software that works for your business. This saves you time, money, and stress
Productivity drops
Time is money. If your staff or you are losing time due to slow and old computers or they must sit on the phone waiting to speak to BT for an hour, not only will they be grumpy and unhappy, but your business productivity and profit will drop.
Your company is growing
As your company grows, your IT needs and requirements also change. Having the right IT company with you who have exceptional knowledge and skills will be one of your greatest allies. They can be with you to take away the IT worries while you concentrate on your office, culture, staff, and increase productivity and profit.
If in doubt just call a trusted IT company.
Here at Southern Solutions, we provide expert advice, an initial review of your systems and a full report free of charge so you can make an informed decision as to whether you are ready for outsourced support. Just call Oli for an informal chat at 02382 022099