The Cybersecurity Paradox: When Businesses Stop Taking Security Seriously

In an era where headlines are inundated with reports of cyberattacks, data breaches, and digital espionage, it’s paradoxical that many businesses have become desensitised to the constant warnings about cybersecurity threats.

Despite the barrage of information and the increasingly sophisticated nature of cyber threats, a dangerous trend is emerging–businesses’ tendency to hear so much about cybersecurity that they don’t take it seriously anymore.

This phenomenon poses significant risks and challenges for organisations of all sizes, as the consequences of complacency in the face of cyber threats can be severe and far-reaching.

The Information Overload Dilemma:

One of the primary reasons businesses may become indifferent to cybersecurity is the sheer volume of information available on the subject. News articles, industry reports, and vendor pitches inundate decision-makers with statistics, warnings, and predictions about the dire consequences of a cyber incident. Over time, this constant stream of information can lead to what psychologists call “information overload,” where individuals become overwhelmed and disengaged, tuning out important messages in the process.

Moreover, the repetitive nature of these warnings can breed a sense of desensitisation, where businesses begin to perceive cybersecurity as a distant, abstract threat rather than an immediate concern. This complacency can be further exacerbated by the belief that “it won’t happen to us” or the misconception that investing in cybersecurity is prohibitively expensive or unnecessary.

The Illusion of Invincibility:

Another factor contributing to businesses’ lack of seriousness about cybersecurity is the illusion of invincibility. Some organisations may fall prey to the false belief that their existing security measures are impervious to attack or that cybercriminals would have no interest in targeting them. This sense of overconfidence can lead to a neglect of basic security hygiene practices, such as updating software, implementing multi-factor authentication, or conducting regular security assessments.

Moreover, the prevalence of cybersecurity solutions marketed as “silver bullets” or “one-size-fits-all” solutions can foster a false sense of security among businesses. While technology plays a crucial role in cybersecurity defence, it’s essential to recognise that it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Effective cybersecurity requires a holistic approach that encompasses people, processes, and technology tailored to the specific risks and challenges faced by each organization.

The Consequences of Complacency:

Businesses that do not take cybersecurity seriously can face severe and multifaceted consequences. A data breach or cyber attack can result in financial losses, legal liabilities, damage to brand reputation, and erosion of customer trust. Regulatory fines and penalties may also apply, particularly in industries subject to stringent compliance requirements, such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce.

Furthermore, the ripple effects of a cybersecurity incident can extend beyond the immediate financial and operational impact. Businesses may face long-term consequences, such as difficulty attracting and retaining customers, partners, and investors due to perceived security risks. Rebuilding trust and credibility in the aftermath of a breach can be a Herculean task, requiring significant time, resources, and effort.

Taking Cybersecurity Seriously:

To combat the dangerous trend of cybersecurity complacency, businesses must re-evaluate their approach to cybersecurity and prioritise it as a strategic imperative. Here are some key steps organisations can take to enhance their cybersecurity posture:

  1. Leadership Commitment: Leadership buy-in is essential for fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and accountability throughout the organisation. Executives and board members must prioritise cybersecurity as a top-level concern and allocate the necessary resources to support effective security measures.
  2. Education and Training: Invest in comprehensive cybersecurity education and training programs to equip employees with the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to security threats effectively. Awareness campaigns, phishing simulations, and hands-on training exercises can help reinforce best practices and instil a security-conscious mindset across the organisation.
  3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and prioritise mitigation efforts based on the severity of the risks. Implement a layered defence strategy with robust access controls, network segmentation, encryption, and incident response procedures to detect, contain, and recover from security incidents effectively.
  4. Collaboration and Information Sharing: Foster collaboration and information sharing within the cybersecurity community, both internally and externally. Participate in industry forums, share threat intelligence, and collaborate with trusted partners and vendors to stay informed about emerging threats and best practices.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Recognise that cybersecurity is an ongoing process rather than a one-time endeavour. Continuously monitor, evaluate, and refine security measures in response to evolving threats, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. Regularly review and update security policies, procedures, and controls to adapt to changing circumstances and emerging risks.

By taking cybersecurity seriously and adopting a proactive, risk-based approach to security, businesses can better protect themselves against the ever-evolving threat landscape. It’s time for organisations to move beyond the illusion of invincibility and recognise cybersecurity as a critical business imperative that demands attention, investment, and commitment at all levels of the organisation.

Only by embracing a culture of security consciousness and resilience can businesses hope to safeguard their assets, reputation, and future success in an increasingly interconnected and digital world.

For free impartial advice and consultation, contact Oli and the Southern Solutions team today at 02382022099

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Unlocking Success: The Benefits of IT Consultancy

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping organisations’ success. However, navigating the complex world of IT can be challenging, requiring expertise and strategic insight. This is where IT consultancy steps in, offering a range of benefits that can propel businesses to new heights.

What are the benefits of IT Consultancy?

1. Expert Guidance

IT consultancy provides businesses with access to a pool of seasoned professionals with diverse skills and knowledge. These experts bring years of experience in various IT domains, offering valuable insights that can guide organisations through intricate technological challenges.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

Hiring and retaining a full-time, in-house IT team can be a costly affair for many businesses, especially smaller ones. In-house IT teams need to be constantly developed, but IT consultancy can provide these teams with expert advice on tap.

It also ensures that your technology is as streamlined as possible and that your budget and plan is set for 12-24 months so you really know where you stand. It can also allow organisations to access specialised skills on a temporary or project-specific basis. This flexibility ensures that companies pay only for the services they need, reducing overall IT expenditures.

3. Strategic Planning

One of the key benefits of IT consultancy is its role in strategic planning. Consultants work closely with businesses to understand their goals and align IT strategies with overall objectives. This proactive approach helps organisations stay ahead of the curve, leveraging technology to gain a competitive edge in the market.

4. Enhanced Efficiency

IT consultants bring a fresh perspective to existing processes, identifying inefficiencies and proposing innovative solutions. By streamlining workflows and optimising IT infrastructure, businesses can significantly enhance operational efficiency, saving time and resources.

5. Risk Mitigation

In the rapidly changing IT landscape, staying compliant with regulations and ensuring data security is a constant challenge. IT consultants are well-versed in industry best practices and can help organisations navigate complex compliance requirements. Additionally, they provide robust cybersecurity strategies to safeguard against potential threats, minimising the risk of data breaches and downtime.

6. Technology Integration

Adopting new technologies can be a daunting task without the right expertise. IT consultants play a crucial role in guiding businesses through the process of selecting and implementing cutting-edge technologies. This ensures a smooth integration process, allowing organisations to harness the full potential of innovative solutions.

7. Scalability

As businesses grow, so do their IT needs. IT consultancy offers scalability, allowing organisations to adapt their IT resources to their changing requirements. Consultants can recommend and implement scalable solutions that evolve with the business, preventing technology from becoming a bottleneck.


In a world where technology is the backbone of success, IT consultancy emerges as a strategic partner for businesses seeking to maximise their potential. From expert guidance and cost-effectiveness to strategic planning and risk mitigation, the benefits of IT consultancy are diverse and impactful.

By embracing these advantages, organisations can confidently navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, ensuring sustained growth and competitiveness in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Southern Solutions are passionate about businesses having the right advice at the right time to produce the right outcome to succeed.
From the design and building of entire networks and infrastructure to simple or complex projects, technology change and accreditations, there is nothing we love more than exploring how technology can improve your business.

Call Oli today for free, confidential advice 02382 022099

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How upgrading your IT systems can pay for itself

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead of the curve is essential. One key aspect that businesses often overlook is the importance of upgrading their IT systems. While the initial cost may seem daunting, the long-term benefits of faster machines and improved productivity can have a significant impact on the success of any business. In this blog, we’ll investigate how investing in your IT infrastructure not only enhances efficiency but also has the potential to pay for itself through cost savings and increased revenue.

Boosting Productivity with Faster Machines

Old hardware and infrastructure are more prone to breakdowns, glitches, and downtime. These interruptions not only disrupt workflow but can also lead to missed opportunities and dissatisfied customers. Upgrading your IT systems ensures greater reliability and minimizes the risk of staff downtime. Reducing issues downtime means that your team can get back to doing what they do best whilst maximising their productivity. 

While the initial investment may seem high at the time. The long-term cost savings are always substantial. With faster, modern machines, it takes far less time to complete tasks, which means your team can accomplish more in their regular working hours. This efficiency increase can lead to increased output and offset that initial cost investment. 

Enhanced Cybersecurity

In an age where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, investing in modern IT systems is crucial for maintaining robust security. New IT systems take advantage of the latest updates and patches to secure your sensitive data, as well as being packed with newer features and protocols. Older hardware may be far more susceptible to intrusion, which ultimately can lead to a large financial cost for any business. 

Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention

A happy and motivated workforce is a key driver of success. Outdated IT systems can frustrate employees, leading to dissatisfaction and decreased morale. Upgrading to modern technology not only makes their jobs easier but also demonstrates a commitment to providing the tools they need to succeed. This can boost employee satisfaction and retention and even attract top talent to your organization. Giving your employees the best tools available to do their jobs will undoubtedly ensure they can maximize their working potential.

Future Proofing Your Business

As your business grows, so do its IT needs. Modern IT systems are designed to be scalable and adaptable, allowing for seamless integration of new technologies and applications. This adaptability ensures that your business can evolve with the rapidly changing technological landscape, staying competitive and agile in the market. A strong IT team can help you plan for the future with huge cost savings in the process as you onboard new starters. 

In conclusion, upgrading your IT systems is an investment that can pay for itself over time. The benefits explored in this post contribute to a happier, more effective workforce, which can lead to massive success in the long term. Speak to Southern Solutions today to see how we can assist you with upgrading to the latest and best technology. 

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10 Reasons It’s Time to Switch Your Business IT Providers

2024 is here, and every business wants it to be the best year ever! It’s a time to consider what has worked over the last 12 months and what needs to be reviewed to improve your business and thrive. 

When it comes to technology, there can be some real ‘pinch points’ that companies just allow to become the ‘norm’, but why do companies ‘let it go’? 

Usually, there are the same few worries… 

  • It is probably more hassle than it’s worth to review.
  • If we change IT providers, it could mean downtime or a loss of data. 
  • We have been with our IT company since we started and even though we aren’t overly happy, we don’t want to upset them.
  • I never hear from the IT company so it must all be ok.
  • I haven’t had a cyber incident yet, so it must all be ok.

These pinch points, however, add up to annoyance and frustration and ultimately can be costly to the business. 

So, when and why should you seek a new technology partner? … 

1. Performance Issues

If your current IT provider consistently fails to meet service level agreements (SLAs) or if you experience frequent downtime, slow response times, or unresolved technical issues. This is a red flag of a company that cannot maintain their service and could be missing more behind the scenes than they admit too. This leads us to…

2. Availability of support

Are they always available? Do they have staff that support you when your main IT contact goes on holiday? Do they have an ‘out of hours’ service and weekend service managed by their own team, the people you know and trust and not an outsourced supplier? Your business may not always be 9-5, Monday to Friday, and neither should your technology partner.

3. Outdated Technology

How do you know If your IT provider is keeping up with the latest technological advancements? Outdated technology can impact your business’s efficiency and competitiveness. A lack of updates and modern solutions may hinder your growth and scalability.

4. Poor Communication

Effective communication is crucial in IT support. If your current provider is unresponsive, fails to communicate clearly, or lacks transparency in their operations, it can lead to frustration and misunderstandings.

5. Security Concerns

Cybersecurity is a top priority for businesses. If your current IT provider doesn’t prioritise security measures, leaves vulnerabilities unaddressed, or has a history of security breaches, it’s a red flag. Changing providers may be necessary to ensure the safety of your data and systems.

6. Lack of Scalability

As your business grows, your IT infrastructure needs to scale accordingly. If your current provider struggles to accommodate your expanding needs or imposes significant costs for upgrades, it might be time to find a more scalable solution.

7. Unmet Expectations

If your IT provider promised specific outcomes or features that haven’t been delivered, it could indicate a lack of competence or commitment. Repeated unmet expectations can be a valid reason to consider a switch. 

8. Cultural Misfit

Sometimes, the relationship between your business and the IT provider breaks down due to a misalignment of values, work culture, or business philosophy. A provider that understands your business needs and aligns with your goals is essential for a successful partnership.

9. Costs

Let’s face it: technology services can be expensive, but do you know exactly what you are paying for? A service provider who, every time there is a problem, just sticks another service or product on top of what you already have may not be keeping themselves professionally updated or trained on the products they provide. 

10. Contractual or Legal Issues

If there are contractual disputes or legal concerns, or your provider consistently violates agreed-upon terms, it might be time to explore other options.

Before making a decision, it is also advisable to conduct a careful assessment and due diligence of prospective new providers to ensure they meet your specific requirements and expectations. Read our next blog on the simple steps for businesses to consider and ask when changing IT service providers. 

Your IT service provider should be the technology partner of your business. You should trust their advice and feel assured that they are working constantly above and beyond to make your business thrive. 

Southern Solutions has been a trusted partner to businesses across the South for over 15 years. Advice is always available, so please give Oli a ring at 02382 022099

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The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity for Small Businesses in the Next 5 Years

In an era dominated by technology, small businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. As we look ahead to the next five years, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity for small businesses is set to be a game-changer. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Let’s explore how AI is expected to both help and pose challenges to the cybersecurity landscape for small businesses.

How AI will help small businesses.

  • Advanced Threat Detection

AI-powered tools will become far better at identifying and mitigating cyber threats. Machine learning algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data, detecting patterns and anomalies that might go unnoticed by traditional security systems and security engineers.

This real-time, advanced threat detection will empower businesses of any size to be able to respond swiftly to potential attacks and spot them before they become an issue. It will reduce the workload of security engineers and technicians and have huge cost savings in the long term.

  • User behaviour analytics 

AI will enhance the ability to analyse user behaviour and identify deviations from normal patterns. By understanding how employees typically interact with systems, AI systems can quickly identify suspicious activities, such as unauthorised access or data exfiltration, helping small businesses prevent insider threats.

These patterns and recognitions will also enable businesses to spot better ways to store and protect data, streamline access processes, and ultimately save huge chunks of time across the business. 

  • Automated incident response

AI will streamline incident response processes, automating the identification and containment of security breaches. This not only reduces response times but also ensures a more consistent and effective approach to handling cyber incidents, even for businesses with limited resources.

Automation has been a huge tool for IT workers to get tasks done far more efficiently. However, security has often needed more due diligence due to the potential effects of a breach. Alleviating this pressure using AI tools means cost savings and less room for error.

How AI will hinder small businesses

  • More sophisticated attacks. 

As AI evolves, cybercriminals may leverage AI to launch more sophisticated and targeted attacks. This cat-and-mouse game between cyber defenders and attackers could escalate, meaning a greater challenge for small businesses to keep up with rapidly evolving cyber threats. It is important that at the board level, cyber security is taken into consideration across all business aspects to ensure that the correct procedures and systems are in place and regularly reviewed to mitigate any potential problems. 

  • Privacy Concerns

The use of AI in cybersecurity involves processing and analysing large amounts of data, which may raise privacy concerns among employees and customers. Small businesses need to strike a balance between securing their systems and respecting privacy regulations to avoid any critical data being leaked in case of a breach. A solid data access policy and protection strategy can help ensure the most sensitive data remains as protected as possible.

  • Cost and resource.

Implementing AI-driven cybersecurity solutions can be expensive in the short term, and small businesses might face challenges in terms of budget and resources. The initial investment in AI technology and the need for skilled professionals to manage these systems could be a barrier for some smaller businesses. However, over time, with cost and time savings, it will be a worthwhile investment in the long term. 

Ultimately, when it comes to all avenues of keeping your business assets and data protected, having a 360-strategy involving education, prevention, protection, and response will keep your business as protected as possible.

It is important to review these strategies consistently in line with the ever-changing landscape, especially with the rise of artificial intelligence.

Southern Solutions adopts a security-first mindset to ensure you are not only future-proofed against any potential threats but also gives you the ability to leverage AI within your business to streamline workflows, analyse business data and fight back against cyber criminals. 

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Expansion and relocation of services for a marine based client

In the summer of 2022, one of our Marine-based clients relocated their business operations to a new boatyard due to expansion. This move allowed for the construction of a new office space and a state-of-the-art boat building facility.

The project involved designing a new network from scratch, something we love getting our teeth into. We collaborated with the client to install design and build the network with future additions and enhancements in mind. This included:

  • Full infrastructure re-wire of new facility to include 10GB fibre backbone between production areas and localised Cat6 outlets.
  • Provision of 1GB / 1GB leased line with 5G failover.
  • Installation of a WatchGuard Firewall for network security.
  • Full feature Unifi Wi-Fi system for comprehensive connectivity in all parts of the premises.
  • Migration of the existing network infrastructure/hardware including a cleanup of the physical equipment.

The subsequent phase focused on planning the transfer of the current network, encompassing several servers, CCTV, a storage array, and power redundancy. The new network rack was designed around existing and new hardware with organising the physical equipment for a cleaner appearance and enhanced security in mind. Our team devised a network wiring diagram and 2D plan of the network rack top to bottom, detailing the placement of each device and the cable layout.

Further planning involved designing the connectivity solution for the new location, featuring a new high performance leased line and Wi-Fi system. A full 2D schematic of the space was created, and the Southern Solutions technical team got to work building the solution. This included installing 10 Ubiquiti Unifi access points and 7 Unifi Pro switches for high-speed connectivity throughout. Ubiquiti Unifi hardware was also used for the fibre aggregation. Fibre cable was used as the backbone through the buildings to connect network switches to allow for 10GB speeds with failover. Two segregated networks for staff and guests as part of the plan to maintain data confidentiality and protection were commissioned.

The final planning step centred on selecting a firewall to safeguard the network. As long-standing WatchGuard Gold partners, we were well placed to spec and implement a WatchGuard M390 total security package.  A secure WAN connection to the old premises was configured to ensure seamless access to necessary data until decommissioning the old office.

The relocation and plan were executed over a weekend by the Southern Solutions tech team. Come Monday morning, staff could enjoy a seamless transition to the new premises, fast and secure connectivity regardless of location.

Southern Solutions specialises in both physically relocating, designing, and implementing networks. Using experience, we ensure the correct connectivity is installed, with a focused layered security approach for IT assets and data protection.

If your business is expanding or relocating and you want to get it right first time, then do not hesitate to give Southern Solutions a ring for invaluable advice.

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‘There must be a way’

The Southern Solutions and SWL project

Are you ready to hear about the most exciting IT project of all time! Let me hear the clunk-click of your seat belt, because we are about to take you for the ride of your life!

Almost any service that your server provides can be hosted in the cloud. There are some exceptions to this, but as a whole, an SMB could run quite comfortably without the need for an in-house server these days. This was the goal for one of our customers that utilised 2 in-house servers to provide a database to their staff and remote access to that database using the remote control.

We contacted the company that provides the database-backed software and they reported that the only way to access the database if it was hosted would be to utilise remote control of a cloud server, but that simply wasn’t good enough for us. We wanted to save the customer money AND provide a more robust and reliable service, so we got to work.

Testing various ways to host the database in a cloud system, we managed to find a way in which our customers could have the application installed on their PC and access the data stored on a cloud server. Previously upgrading their connectivity to reliable and fast leased lines provided them with the perfect foundation for accessing this new cloud service available to them.

So, over a weekend we put our TV remotes down and picked up our laptops, getting to work migrating data to SharePoint and the database to Azure. A host of other services provided by the cloud have left them with no in-house servers to worry about, and a much better solution for their remote offices. In these times of remote working, having access to your data in the cloud increases productivity, allows for collaboration between staff, and eliminates data duplication.

Worried about backups? Our customer rightly was, so we explained that the hosted server has a snapshot taken daily for fast restores, and the email and file data is backed up daily using a hosted backup solution for Microsoft 365, so nothing remains unprotected.

Project management is one of the added benefits to having an experienced and knowledgeable IT Support company by your side. A company who doesn’t just say ‘it can’t be done’ but instead says ‘There must be a way’.

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Cybersecurity – Science Fiction vs Reality.

In the realm of science fiction, cybersecurity has consistently been a focal point. Captivating audiences with visuals of hackers penetrating digital fortresses, often to steal some data or embed a virus, usually with a time limit put right to the wire. The gap between Hollywood’s rendition of cyber security and the complexities of real-world threats is far wider than you may think.

You have not been cherry-picked. 

The typical cyber attack for a small business is often far less glamorous than what you see in the films. The ‘hacker’ will usually not be in a dark room full of small flashing LEDs decrypting passwords with a horizontal bar to display their progress, but rather a group of people sending mass emails with malware to a list of email addresses they have purchased on the web. Once a user opens the attachment in the email, a script is automatically run, and malware is installed on the machine. The difference is that typically, it is suggested that someone is directly targeting your business and has hand-picked you as the victim. This is often, especially for a small business, very rare. The ‘Casting a wide net’ approach means everyone needs to be consistently aware of cyber threats and learn proactive ways to prevent and avoid them.

AI is here to help. 

Another example of how the genre of science fiction can often portray cybersecurity in a not-so-accurate light is the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. Pretty much everyone has seen The Terminator, the story depicting how artificial intelligence will become sentient, robust killing machines that take over the world. Whilst The Terminator does a brilliant job of convincing viewers this is possible, the truth is far less daunting.

In the real world, AI is usually a force for good. Artificial intelligence is employed for threat detection, anomaly identification and rapid response to cyber-attacks. Modern anti-virus systems will often upload files to an AI-powered database that will scan the file for any threats or anomalies and report back to confirm if the file is safe to open. Because of the power of modern AI, this process takes mere seconds and can process thousands of requests a second. As AI gets better in the future, so will the protection it offers.

Exaggerated Physical Threats

Cyber threats are sometimes portrayed as having immediate and catastrophic physical consequences, such as explosions or power grid failures. While cyber-attacks can have serious consequences, the immediate and exaggerated physical impacts are often overstated. In the real world, the impact of a successful cyber attack can lead to loss of data, having your data held for ransom, reputational impact and much more. In many cases, it can take a while for people even to notice they have been compromised. 

In conclusion, whilst Hollywood portrays cybersecurity as a futuristic theatre of war between hackers and firewalls, it is something that affects everyone using a computer no matter where they are. Southern Solutions is more committed than ever to raising awareness and assisting our customers in preventing and defending against cybercrime.

If you feel your business can benefit from cyber security prevention and training, contact Southern Solutions today

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Cyber Essentials Basic vs. Cyber Essentials Plus: Which one should your business consider? 

Welcome to the fascinating world of cybersecurity certifications! But which one should your business have? 

In this blog, we’ll be exploring Cyber Essentials Basic and Cyber Essentials Plus, two formidable contenders in the UK cybersecurity arena. 

So, which one will be the best fit for your business needs?

Cyber Essentials Basic

First up, we have Cyber Essentials Basic, the agile and budget-friendly contender. This certification focuses on five essential security controls – think of each one as the trusty guardians defending your business’s online stronghold:

  1. Boundary Firewalls and Internet Gateways – The walls that keep cyber intruders at bay.
  2. Secure Configuration – The watchful protectors ensuring all devices and software are fortified with robust security settings.
  3. User Access Control – The gatekeepers granting access only to trustworthy individuals.
  4. Patch Management – The swift responders who mend every chink in the armour with the latest security patches.
  5. Malware Protection – The virus-fighting squad, relentlessly safeguarding against malicious invaders.

Pros of Cyber Essentials Basic:

  • Affordable & Accessible: With Cyber Essentials Basic, even the smallest of UK businesses can join the cybersecurity league without denting their budget.
  • Essential Upgrades: These five security controls deliver significant improvements to your business’s cyber resilience, offering crucial protection.
  • Boosted Credibility: Achieving the Cyber Essentials Basic badge displays your commitment to cybersecurity, instilling confidence in clients and partners.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Next up, we have Cyber Essentials Plus – the heavyweight champion with an extra punch! It not only encompasses the same five essential security controls but also packs an extra blow with its powerful technical verification: This means that Cyber Essentials Plus assessors turn into friendly hackers, conducting simulated attacks on your digital fortress to unearth any hidden vulnerabilities.

Pros of Cyber Essentials Plus:

  • Rigorous Testing: Cyber Essentials Plus leaves no stone unturned! Its simulated hacking attempts provide a comprehensive examination of your defences.
  • Enhanced Assurance: Earning the Cyber Essentials Plus certification showcases your business’s dedication to the highest levels of cybersecurity preparedness.
  • Competitive Edge: Displaying the Cyber Essentials Plus accolade sets your business apart as a true cybersecurity champion among UK competitors.

Which One Should You Choose?

If your UK business is just beginning its cybersecurity journey and requires a friendly and budget-conscious companion, Cyber Essentials Basic is your ideal ally. It will help you build a strong foundation, shielding you from most common cyber threats.

However, if you operate a high-stakes UK business, handle sensitive information, or work in a highly regulated sector, Cyber Essentials Plus is the undisputed champion.

Its rigorous testing ensures your business becomes an impregnable fortress against cyber adversaries!


Both Cyber Essentials Basic and Cyber Essentials Plus bring their unique strengths to protect your UK business. The choice ultimately hinges on your business’s size, budget, and appetite for cyber risk.

Southern Solutions provide advice and guidance to businesses across the South. If you are concerned about your business security, please call Oli for a free, confidential conversation at 02382 022099.

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I’ve made a big mistake

Cyber Education has become recognised as a powerful tool for any business to have in its artillery. It is one of the easiest security measures a business of any size can initiate to reduce its cyber security risk.

If you are a small business without IT support you can access a multitude of professional, up-to-date advice, tips, and guidelines from This can also include gaining your Cyber Essentials certification.

If you are a growing business, you can seek advice from a professional IT Support company such as Southern Solutions. We will be able to give you clear, safe and trusted advice to point you in the right direction or discuss working alongside your company and providing this service.

If you are a business with an IT support company in place, they should provide Cyber Education alongside their security advice as part of your contract. Their advice should be formed from the continual professional development they provide for their staff. Trust is key when it comes to working with an IT company.

However, you can have the most up-to-date firewalls and equipment, but without education to run alongside this, you are still at risk of a security breach.

There are many blogs about how to prevent a breach; however, with 96% of breaches due to human error, what do you do if someone has made a mistake?

Clicked on a phishing email?

Do not panic! There are several practical steps that you can take.

  • Open your antivirus software and run a full scan. Follow any instructions given.
  • If you have been tricked into providing your password, you should change it immediately and on any other accounts with the same password.
  • If you have lost money, report it as a crime to Action Fraud
  • Contact your IT Support company immediately.

Received a blackmail email or a sextortion email?

  • Do not communicate with the criminal.
  • Do not pay the ransom.
  • Check if your accounts have been compromised.
  • Do not panic if your password is mentioned, as they may have grabbed this from a previous data breach. You can check this on
  • Change any passwords that they mention.
  • Report any losses to
  • Contact your IT Support company.

Had your account hacked?

  • Update your devices.
  • Contact your provider.
  • If it is your email check your email filters and forwarding rules
  • Change passwords.
  • Set up 2-factor authentication.
  • Notify your contacts.
  • If you can’t recover your account, you can make a new one but notify your contacts, including your bank etc.
  • Contact action fraud.

Been Infected with malware.

  • Immediately disconnect the infected computers, laptops, or tablets from all network connections, whether wired, wireless or mobile phone-based.
  • In a very serious case, consider whether turning off your Wi-Fi, disabling any core network connections (including switches), and disconnecting from the internet might be necessary.
  • Reset credentials, including passwords (especially for administrator and other system accounts) – but verify that you are not locking yourself out of systems that are needed for recovery.
  • Safely wipe the infected devices and reinstall the OS.
  • Before you restore from a backup, verify that it is free from any malware. You should only restore from a backup if you are very confident that the backup and the device you’re connecting it to are clean.
  • Connect devices to a clean network to download, install and update the OS and all other software.
  • Install, update, and run antivirus software. Reconnect to your network.
  • Monitor network traffic and run antivirus scans to identify if any infection remains.

Had your computer locked, data stolen, deleted, or encrypted with ransomware?

Ensure you have adequate backup and/or disaster recovery in place.

Usually, hackers send an email and ask you to follow instructions to pay a ransom. Then they will release the data.

Law enforcement does not encourage, endorse, nor condone the payment of ransom demands. If you do pay the ransom:

  • there is no guarantee that you will get access to your data or computer.
  • your computer will still be infected.
  • you will be paying criminal groups.
  • you’re more likely to be targeted in the future.


If you have an IT support company in place, contact them immediately. They will provide you with all the support and advice you need.

Finally… have a safe and comfortable culture within your business of reporting mistakes. If staff feel too “frightened of the consequences to report a mistake this will increase the risk to your business. Everyone makes mistakes!

If you feel your business could improve its IT infrastructure, support and security please do not hesitate to give Southern Solutions a call on 02382 022 099

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